Thank you for lifting up this reality. Unfortunately, I am so used to, and exhausted by, the moral depravity of many republicans, that this very significant difference did not register with me. It is beyond shame and repulsion; these words should never have been thought or spoken or amplified.

But this IS beyond words, which have certainly been bad enough; it is extremism lifted to legislative potential, violent braggadocio lifted to high profile leadership - apparently without consequence, remark, or resistance, from members or leaders of her party. It is important to observe this, and to, in whatever way possible, hold it up to the light.

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Thank you, I agree it is exhausting and it still needs to happen.

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All this and the people of Georgia still elected her. Just shows that this country is quickly headed down the crapper.

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Very discouraging. We need reforms because clearly relying upon ethics has failed us.

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