Hi Sarah...I just recently lost a sister named Sarah!! (rest in power) I think that most of America get's this MAGA Madness wrong!! Fox News had a segment about the Civil War and in this segment they fantasized about alternate outcome of the war. So let's call it what it is!! This is the great, great, great, great grandchildren of the Confederacy!!!!

Somehow we've allowed these so called White Supremacist to infilrate the very pillars of the U.S. Government!! The Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and the White House. Oh...and let's not forget the state and local levels of government where the real damage is being done!! And let's don't ignore the constant call for a Race War by the MAGA faithful.

I've noticed while watching the news on the other three major networks (CBS, NBC and ABC) that white journalist don't take the defense of our democracy as serious as the black journalist do!! They're afraid to call it what it really is!!!! No...I didn't mention the FOX Network for obvious reasons. Just look at what just happened in the Tennessee State House all through out the south!! Sarah...I do like reading your column but, if I'm to remain a premium subscriber...some truths need to start being told!

P.S...I'm a retired U.S. Army veteran and I'm also Black if you couldn't tell!! LOL

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P.S. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister.

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I think you made a really good point. It is racism. I said that in the podcast, where I often expound more than in the transcript. We have been covering racism for 10 years long before it became noticed in the mainstream media to the degree that it is. It would be hard to oversell the impact of racism, especially in this country. Thank you for sharing this important thought----Sarah

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I appreciate your response Sarah and I think that I'll have to go back and check out some of your earlier works.


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Thanks, Kenneth. Here's one piece from 2018 about this topic, but focusing on the racism:


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Watching the NBA Playoffs right now but, I promise that I will get to it! Thank you Sarah and please continue the good fight!! ✊️🤨

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