Mar 1Liked by Sarah Jones & Jason Easley

"...How does how do we get here where people are putting this, as you put it, this viral fame moment ahead of their own integrity."

This has disturbed me from the very beginning coverage of the 2024 election. I have seen it as a way the media keeps the drama going so they can continue earning paychecks and writing their popular books. What really concerns me, however, is the ignorant, unschooled audience who form their opinions about what is going on from the news they read and hear. They apparently do not know that an alternative media exists who do speak and publish more thoughtful opinions. The MAGA audience is frightening! They are mostly uneducated and ignorant, but even more worrisome, they want a psychopathic criminal monster to be elected again. Yikes!

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Sarah Jones & Jason Easley

Thank you for this timely, comprehensive, and thoughtful discussion about the impact of the changed media on our electoral politics. Corporate ownership of media has subsumed reality into false and destructive ideology, profoundly endangering democracy. Wonderfully there are heroes of truth who are protecting journalism’s original ethics, even in the midst of this continuous, screeching chaos, and so, are protecting democracy. Citizen recognition and support of truthful and accurate reporting is essential for this long term reclaimation.

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Well, a little editing would help in that intro to attract readers to your interview. That was really sloppy English. We need to form clear, concise arguments not ramble all over the place, repeating words and phrases.

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In an upcoming piece on 'whataboutism' in my newsletter, The View From Here, I write: Let’s not forget about the big players in the background — the mainstream media. Their influence on public opinion is undeniable, and their perceived and actual biases profoundly impact how information is disseminated. It’s like they hold the megaphone; what they choose to amplify is heard loud and clear.

And here lies the crux of the matter. The media should be the watchdogs of democracy, holding everyone accountable regardless of party lines. Whataboutism shouldn’t be tolerated or selectively applied - it muddies the water and shrouds accountability.

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